Dr. Gayle ​Cosby

for IPS Board District 2

Indianapolis Public Schools needs a ​strong voice and ​educational ​expertise on the board of ​commissioners. ​Dr. Cosby is ​returning to IPS with the following ​agenda:

  • Direct feasibility studies to determine ​the needed ​number of educational seats ​in the IPS district

  • Develop a clear, fair system of ​accountability for ​existing Innovation ​Network Partner Schools

  • Advance the Rebuilding Stronger Plan

  • Responsible stewardship of tax dollars

About Dr. Gayle Cosby

A resident of the near ​east side of ​Indianapolis ​for over 40 years

Dr. ​Cosby is a product of Indianapolis ​Public ​Schools from Kindergarten ​through high school ​graduation. She ​previously served as an IPS ​board ​member from 2012-2016, and began ​her ​career as a teacher in IPS ​elementary schools. ​She has three ​children and currently has the ​privilege ​of training new teachers as an ​​Assistant Professor of Education.

Detailed Agenda



How many schools and ​seats do ​we actually ​need in the IPS ​district?

  • Roughly 1/3 of Indy ​charters ​opened since ​2001 have closed ​(WFYI, ​2023).
  • The Indiana Charter ​School ​Board Executive ​Director has ​stated that ​they don’t ​authorize new ​schools to open ​in ​Indianapolis - citing that ​it’s ​crowded, ​oversaturated, and ​there ​are too many schools ​​(WFYI, 2023).


How should IPS determine ​which ​charter schools to ​partner with, ​and which ​partnerships to ​continue?

  • Indiana’s suspension of A-F ​​grades for schools make it ​​hard to accurately determine ​​academic success (WFYI, ​​2023).
  • Test scores are only one ​​measure of accountability, ​but ​are often ​overemphasized. ​Other ​measures such as ​enrollment, ​teacher turnover, ​parent ​satisfaction, and school ​​climate also deserve ​​consideration.

Rebuilding ​Stronger

We need to see this ​important ​initiative ​through to ensure ​greater ​equity in the district.

  • Rebuilding Stronger is ​IPS’s ​plan to achieve ​equity across ​all ​geographical regions of ​the ​district by offering ​high-​demand programs in ​all 4 ​quadrants.
  • IPS has wonderful ​programs ​that are in ​demand, with some ​having ​a waitlist. Making these ​​programs available to al​l i​s an ​imperative.



All sources of revenue for ​IPS ​need careful ​management to ​ensure ​the greatest impact for ​​students in the classroom.

  • Tax dollars received ​through ​referendums have ​resulted in ​pay increases ​for teachers as ​well as ​band, orchestra and ​​language classes for ​students ​(Chalkbeat, 2022).
  • The Capital referendum will ​​enable renovations for 20 ​​buildings over 8 years; ​​necessitating ongoing ​​oversight (IPS, 2022).


Once upon a time, local ​school board ​races were ​very low-budget,

“kitchen-​table” campaigns that could be won ​​with little to no funding. However, ​those days ​are long gone and the ​stakes are now much ​higher.

To run a successful campaign now, one ​must be ​competitive and as visible as ​any other ​candidate. Speaking from the experience of ​my first campaign, certain groups in Indy will ​spend A LOT of money to elect school board ​members who will align with their agenda. I ​have not sought endorsements from these ​groups ​s​eeking to privatize education.

Please con​sider a donation, or hosting ​a fundraising e​vent. Any amount of ​support is appreciated a​nd will go a​ ​​long way toward a better IPS!

Electronic ​Donations

Click the button ​below to be ​redirected to ​the ​Paypal site for the ​campaign.

Check by Mail

Please mail donations ​to:

P.O. Box 11372

Indianapolis, Indiana ​46201



Pe​ople Power

  • Networking, Speaking Engagements

(churches and other organizations in Distri​ct 2)

  • Walking Neighborhoods door-to​-door


  • Hosting a fundraising party
  • Networking/calling potential donors
  • D​irectly contributing funds to the campaign



  • Making phone calls
  • Utilizing Social Media impactfully
  • S​preading the word in your own circles!


El​ection Day

  • Sign placement at polling sites
  • Greeting voters at polls on election day
  • A​ssisting volunteers

Featured Blog

know better, do ​better​...vote better.

Hello, friends.

I have decided to run for the same seat in ​District 2 that I previously occupied from ​2012-2016. This time...​




US Mail

P.O. Box 11372

Indianapolis, IN 46201

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paid for and approved by cosby for ips campaign